Eucalyptus globulus

-Tasmanian blue gum

USES as:-

  1. Timber:
    Blue gum timber is yellow-brown, fairly heavy, with an interlocked grain, and is difficult to season. It has poor lumber qualities due to growth stress problems, but can be used in construction, fence posts and poles.
  2. Pulpwood:
    Eucalyptus is the most common short fibre source for pulpwood to make pulp. The types most often used in papermaking are Eucalyptus globulus (in temperate areas) and the Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis hybrid (in the tropics).
  3. Essential oil:
    The leaves are steam distilled to extract eucalyptus oil. E. globulus is the primary source of global eucalyptus oil production, with China being the largest commercial producer
  4. Herb tea:
    Tasmanian blue gum leaves are used as a herbal tea.

Cultural & Historical Importance:
