Casuarina equisetifolia



  1. Casuarina is widely used as a bonsai subject, particularly in South-east Asia and parts of the Caribbean. Indonesian specimens and those cultivated in Taiwan are regarded among the best in the bonsai world.
  2. The wood of this tree is used for shingles, fencing, and is said to make excellent hot-burning firewood.
  3. Among the islands of Hawaii, Casuarina are also grown for erosion prevention, and in general as wind breaking elements.
  4. The Casuarina leaves are usually used for ornamental purposes in the urban region.
  5. Other than ornamental purposes, the Casuarina was also explored in for its potential in remediation of textile dye wastewater. Casuarina leaves were found to be useful as absorbent material for the removal of textile dyes
  6. Casuarina equisetifolia Lin. (Casuarinaceae) has been used traditionally for treating inflammation, cancer and other diseases

Cultural & Historical Importance:
